


Prof. Dr. Carsten F. Dormann

Telefon: +49 761 203-3749
Telefax: +49 761 203-3751
eMail: carsten.dormann@biom.uni-freiburg.de 




Frau Eva Meier

Telefon: +49 761 203-3749 
Telefax: +49 761 203-3751 
eMail: eva.meier@biom.uni-freiburg.de 




Biometrie und Umweltsystemanalyse

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Tennenbacher Straße 4 
79106 Freiburg i. Br.


Sie sind hier: Startseite Conferences & Workshops Past Conferences & Workshops

Past Conferences & Workshops

A list with Conferences and Workshops where the Department has been involved


2nd Workshop on Red Wood Ants & Statistics (19th - 22nd May 2015),  Freiburg, Germany



The „2nd Workshop on Red Wood Ants (RWA) and Statistics “, organised by G. Berberich (University of Duisburg Essen) and D. Klimetzek (University of Freiburg) was held from 19th to 22th of May 2015 in Freiburg. Participants came from the University of Copenhagen (N. Sanders & I. del Toro), Harvard University (A. Ellison), University of Duisburg-Essen and the University of Freiburg. The focus of the workshop was laid on “statistical approaches and methods”. A field trip to the Black Forest (“RWA in wetlands and forest stands”) illustrated the relation of spatial RWA nest distribution, tectonic elements and mineral springs. The basis of the subsequent presentations, discussions and planning of future activities had been methods and results concerning.

Dormann, C.F. (Freiburg University):  Uniting presence-only and presence-absence models.


Ellison, A. (Harvard University):  New approaches for quantifying biodiversity in variable and changing environments: lessons from ants.


Sanders, N. (University of Copenhagen):  Myrmecology through a macroscope.

Del Toro, I. (University of Copenhagen):  Ant diversity and distributions along environmental gradients.

Detection probability of RWA nests performed in April 2015 in the Black Forest and conducted by G. & M. Berberich (UDE) and D. Klimetzek (Univ. Freiburg) assisted by colleagues of the University Brasov (Romania).

Results of a double blind study RWA and tectonics in Struer/Thisted-Klosterheden region (Denmark); Editors: I. Del Toro/N. Sanders (Univ. Copenhagen) and G. Berberich & U. Schreiber (UDE).

Soil gas analyses in areas with and without RWA and tectonics in Germany and in the Czech Republic; Editors: G. & M. Berberich (UDE), D. Klimetzek (Univ. Freiburg).

Based on the excellent data sets and results, appropiate statistical models were calculated and discussed.

A follow-up meeting was scheduled for fall 2015. 




Model Averaging in Ecology: Reviewing Methods and developing Guidelines for statistical Models (9th-13th March 2015), Freiburg, Germany



The main objective of the workshop is to write a "review and best-practice paper", containing a theoretical/conceptual background section, an exploration of methods, a section on how (not) to interpret averaged models, and some case studies/simulations. 



Additionally, we may find that several questions in this paper remain addressed unsatisfactorily and need to go into greater depth on them, e.g. by comparing specific approaches, reviewing technical details. 
To name one of the topics that came up: "prior model weights" (shouldn't a set of very similar models get overall the same weight as a very different model, if they all have the same cross-validation performance?)

More such topics will be discussed during the workshop.



Evolution in action - linking phylogenies and traits (25th-26th September 2014), statistical Models (9th-13th March 2015), Freiburg, Germany


FRIAS (Freiburg Institute for Advances Studies) sponsors this workshop to bring together internationally leading experts in the field of trait-based ecology, phylogenies, and evolution, with the idea of reflecting about the state-of-the-art and about the information that we can gain by combining phylogenetic and trait data for questions of community assembly, speciation mechanisms and niche/trail evolution.


Talks on Thursday, 25.09:

10:00-10:45  Peter Linder, Macroevolution.


11:00-12:30 Florian Boucher Adaptive and non-adaptive processes driving the evolution of climatic niches.

Nicolas Salamin Modeling the evolution of traits: from mean phenotypes to complex character distributions

14:00-14:45 Jan Schnitzler Integrating traits, fossils & phylogenies

Talks on Friday, 26.09:

9:00-10:30  Rampal Etienne DAISIE
Claus Rüffler Organismal complexity and the potential for evolutionary diversification

11:00-12:30 Sébastien Lavergne Understanding the evolutionary assembly of the Alpine Flora
Caroline Tucker Making sense of measures of phylogenetic diversity 


International Summer School: Introduction to Bayesian Statistics (15.-19. Sept 2014), Bergen, Norway


This course provides a practical introduction to Bayesian inference covering both the theory and application of Bayesian methods using a number of examples motivated from the ecological and environmental sciences. The course will be taught by Jörn Pagel (University of Bergen),Joseph Chipperfield (University of Hohenheim) and Florian Hartig (University of Freiburg).

In previous years, it took place in Bayreuth 2011 Bayreuth 2012,Göttingen 2013 and Freiburg 2013. This year the course will take place at the Heathland Centre on the beautiful island of Lygra in western Norway.




Bergen, Norway


The contents of the course will include:

Introduction to concepts of Bayesian statistics (Priors, Likelihoods, etc.)

Sampling methods (e.g. Markov Chain Monte Carlo)


Bayesian modeling and hierarchical Bayesian models

The Bugs model language and its implementations such as JAGS and OpenBugs Applications via the course website. 


 More information and applications via the course website. 

1st Workshop on Red Wood Ants, Tectonics, Geogenic gas & Statistics (5th May 2014), Freiburg, GermanyEvolution in action - linking phylogenies and traits (25th to 26th September 2014), Freiburg, Germany



The "1st Workshop on Red Wood Ants, Tectonics, Geogenic gas & Statistics " organized by G. Berberich (University of Duisburg-Essen) and D. Klimetzek (University of Freiburg) was held from 2 to 8 May 2014 in Freiburg and Essen:

The main theme of the Workshop in Freiburg University (5th May) was the topic "Ants & Statistics", with the participation of:

Ellison, Aaron  (Harvard University):  Key note: Applying statistics to ant assemblages: challenges and opportunities.



Dormann, Carsten  (University of Freiburg): Poisson point process modeling of ant nest distributions.




Klimetzek, Dietrich (University of Freiburg): Spatial Distribution of RWA in Baden-Wüttenberg.

Berberich, Gabriele (University of Duisburg-Essen); Grumpe, Arne (University of Dortmund); Wöhler, Christian (University of Dortmund); Berberich, Martin (University of Duisburg-Essen):  Statistical Correlation of Tectonic Faults & RWA in the Freiburg-Bonndorfer Grabenzone


International Summer School: An Introduction to Bayesian Modeling for Ecologists (28th July to 2nd August 2013), Freiburg, Germany September 2014), Freiburg, Germany


The course will consist of lectures, practical exercises (with R and JAGS) and talks on advanced topics in Bayesian statistics. Course language will be English. If necessary, we can provide certificates with ECTS credits from the University of Freiburg. This is a introductory course, but a basic knowledge of conventional statistics as well competency in R or another programming language will be highly beneficial to profit from this course and will also be considered for selecting the participants.
The content of the course will include:

Introduction to concepts of Bayesian statistics (Priors, Likelihoods, etc.)

Sampling methods (e.g. Markov Chain Monte Carlo)

Bayesian modeling and hierarchical Bayesian models

The Bugs model language and its implementations such as JAGS and OpenBugs



Group picture from the course in Freiburg 2013


The course will take place at the “Unihaus”, a small university guest house in the beautiful mountainous surroundings of Freiburg in Southern Germany. There will be a course fee of 280 Euros for PhD students and higher, and a reduced rate of 230 Euros for students, which covers a basic accommodation in dormitories and all meals, except for beverages which have to be purchased on site. Please plan to arrive in Freiburg on the afternoon of Sunday, 28th July. The course will finish on Friday, 2nd August, at lunchtime.


University House on Schauinsland

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