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Marine Mammal Threat Database

Based on a literature review, we geo-referenced and encoded available information on marine mammal threats in a geo-spatial database, which is available with the paper:

Avila IC, Kaschner K & Dormann CF. 2018. Current global risks to marine mammals: taking stock of the threats. Biological Conservation 221: 44-58.

This database contains different threats affecting 121 marine mammal species worldwide between 1991- 2016. Threats per species were located by assigning threat to countries where they were reported, allocated to ocean basins and Longhurst biogeographical provinces. The database can be downloaded as an excel-file for non-commercial use and should be cited as the paper mentioned above [here]

For additional information, or if you want to contribute or are interested in a working collaboration, please contact Isabel Avila at isabel.avila@biom.uni-freiburg.de or at isabel_c_avila@yahoo.com 


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